BUNRI – Our Strengths

BUNRI – Our Strengths|Bunri is a specialized manufacturer of equipment that separates and discharges sludge and chips from grinding and cutting fluid (coolant).

BUNRI is a specialized manufacturer that develops, manufactures, sells, and provides after-sales services for coolant filtration and chip treatment systems, which are equipment that filter coolant mixed with chips generated in the product manufacturing process. With a persistent focus on developing one-of-a-kind products, BUNRI has been engaged in chip treatment for 60 years. We are a pioneer in coolant filtration and chip treatment systems.

Persistent Focus on Seven Areas

While responding to the changing needs of society coupled with increasing environmental awareness, we want to stay close to our customers and deliver products that support their businesses. To that end, BUNRI has identified seven areas to persistently focus on.

Persistent Focus on Quality

The entire company works together to achieve “zero problems”.
We are working tirelessly to deliver high-quality products.

Ease of Use from the Customer’s Perspective

The first and foremost concern of BUNRI is ease of use for customers. Every detail has been carefully designed to ensure factors such as ease of maintenance and smooth coolant flow. It is our policy to design and manufacture products from the customer’s perspective as well as to produce high quality filtration equipment.

Persistent Focus on Performance

The performance of filtration equipment greatly affects the running costs of the factory and the processing accuracy of the product. Improving the filtration accuracy will also reduce the number of machine problems that occur. This contributes to improving work efficiency at production sites by, for example, reducing industrial waste and consumables, reducing the rate of defects, reducing maintenance labor costs, and securing line operating time.

High Filtration Performance

We are focusing on maximizing the filtration accuracy during primary treatment. There are models that achieve filtration accuracy of 5 to 10 micrometers regardless of magnetic or non-magnetic materials, such as crankshaft processing lines and cylinder head processing lines. Fine filtration in the primary treatment improves the cleanliness of the coolant and helps reduce sludge buildup in the tank. It also reduces the burden on the secondary treatment filter and helps reduce running costs.

Maximizing the Machining Accuracy of Machine Tools

Constantly filtering the coolant can maintain a clean state at all times. This reduces the burden on the cutting tools and maximizes the machining accuracy of the machine. At the same time, it can extend the life of coolant and cutting tools and maintain stable machining.

Not Relying on Consumables

BUNRI is focusing on the development of filtration equipment that incorporates mechanisms that do not require disposable consumables such as cartridges, elements, and filters. Eliminating the need to replace consumables significantly reduces running costs.

Persistent Focus on Product Lineup

BUNRI is proud of its diverse product lineup. Our custom-made products can be installed on machine tools produced by any manufacturer. We offer comprehensive proposals regardless of the material the chips are made of, such as magnetic, non-magnetic, cutting, grinding, oil-based, and water-soluble.


Persistent Focus on Advanced Technology

We have obtained many patents for BUNRI’s products, and are striving to create one-of-a-kind products in terms of mechanisms and performance. The filtration equipment, which is the heart of our products, does not require any consumables and is easy to maintain thanks to having been carefully designed and manufactured, a hallmark of BUNRI.

The magnet-fixed structure developed by “Bunri” has the only mechanism of its kind in the world. It draws out the maximum force of the magnet and does not miss weak magnetic chips such as those from carbide machining. At the part where sludge is scraped off, the magnetic force is weakened and, as a result, chips are easily off, which also reduces the burden on the drum and scraper. This is also technology that we are proud of and “it” is the only one of its kind in the industry.

We are never satisfied with the products we have developed and are constantly working to improve and refine our products. “We continue to strive and constantly develop our processes to improve and refine our products.”.

Persistent Focus on the Environment

We are developing products that are friendly to people and the earth, taking into consideration everything from the global environment to the environment of the production sites where BUNRI’s products are introduced.

Environmental Considerations at Production Sites

At production sites where machine tools are operating, oil mist of substances such as coolant form during the work process. Mist, which is a toxic substance, can cause unpleasant odors and health hazards at production sites. BUNRI has developed a “submersible filtration system” that does not emit mist.
The introduction of this system will drastically reduce the number of failures of equipment and facilities caused by mist. Furthermore, since no oil droplets adhere to the floor of the factory, accidents such as workers falling over can be prevented. We strive to create products that not only operate smoothly but also protect the safety of workers.

Consideration for the Global Environment

Improving the filtration performance will extend the life of coolant and cutting tools, and reducing the frequency of replacement will not only reduce running costs, but also contribute to the protection of the global environment. Improving the filtration performance will extend the life of the coolant and cutting tools, and reduce the frequency of replacements. This will not only reduce running costs, but also contribute to the protection of the global environment.

Reduction of Industrial Waste

Making each tank compact can significantly reduce the amount of coolant that needs to be replaced. In addition, manufacturing products that do not require filter material (disposable consumables such as elements and filters) will lead to a reduction in industrial waste.

Reduction of CO2 Emissions

We manufacture our products with a focus on reducing CO2 emissions. Reducing the size of the electric motors (motors, pumps) used in the filtration equipment reduces power consumption and CO2 emissions. Reducing the capacity of the pump motor suppresses heat generation of the pump and prevents the temperature of the liquid coolant from rising. In this way, equipment specifications that can suppress heat generation are the basis of our product development.

Persistent Focus on Internal Structure


BUNRI is characterized by a bottom-up system in which measures against problems that arise on-site and factors that employees are aware of are quickly and easily reflected in the products.
From new employees to top management, we freely and openly exchange opinions.

Through communication between sales and after sales staff and customers, we reflect the information and opinions we receive and utilize them to create products that satisfy our customers.

Persistent Focus on Support Capabilities

BUNRI offers a wide range of support services, from pre-sales service to after-sales service.
“We responsibly support products developed in-house until the end of their services lives”. This has been our policy since our founding.

Respond to a Request for Exterior Customization

Machine tools have a rugged impression, so in order to improve the brand image of the company, we also consider machine design.
We respond according to customers’ requests, such as by painting using the signature color of a company.


Pre-Sales Service

BUNRI products help significantly reduce running costs and have an immediate investment effect from the time of delivery. We strive to respond promptly to customer inquiries and concerns in order to help improve work efficiency and the work environment.

Strict Adherence to Deadlines

In order to improve work efficiency at production sites, the work process is standardized by QC process management. We are careful not to delay the delivery date. The non-personal system enables stable production of products.

Prompt and Appropriate Prior Confirmation

We have standard drawings of our products corresponding to machine tools of each manufacturer. We can quickly and appropriately confirm the installation location of our products and necessary parts.

After-Sales Service

Sales and technical support staff with on-site visit regularly so that BUNRI products can be used for long periods of time with peace of mind. Staff check parts for deterioration over time as well as their replacement times, and respond promptly to any defects that are discovered.

Prompt Response in the Event of Failure or Problems

BUNRI has local technical support departments. Since we have bases in various locations, we can immediately respond to urgent requests. A person with appropriate service skills will visit you.

Establishment of a Point of Contact for Product Parts

In order to respond immediately in the event of a mechanical failure or problem, we have a point of contact (Parts Center) specializing in product parts at the head office factory. Depending on the part, however, we can ship the parts on the same day at the earliest and deliver them to the customer within 3 to 5 days on average.

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